In Boston

We Fill In
Creating safer, healthier, and empowered black and brown communities.

The work we do at VIB couldn't be possible without the help of
generous donors, grants, and organizations. Please visit http://cummingsfoundation.org/
for more information about their mission.

Food Pantry Volunteer
VIB is looking for volunteers for its food pantry.
Click the button for more information and to fill out the form.

Support Black
As you already know in March of 2020 the President of the US declared COVID-19
a world wide pandemic and many of our black and brown business
owners we're affected. Please help support them!
Click below to see the list.

VIB during Covid 19
As you already know in March of 2020 the President of the US declared COVID-19
a world wide pandemic. So we at Violence In Boston took our
direct services to the streets to help families.
Click to see what we've been up to during Covid-19.
The mission of Violence in Boston is to improve the quality
of life & life outcomes of individuals from disenfranchised communities by reducing the prevalence of violence and the impact of associated trauma.

The Story
In January 2020, a documentary was commissioned by Violence In Boston Inc.
in order to tell the story about it's origins. Click below to watch the film.
Our Social Impact Center

Podcast Studio
In this space young people will have the opportunity to express themselves through verbal art.
Residents or Victims and their families who lose housing due to violence require temporary housing until they find a more permanent solution.
See The Center
Our Social Impact Teams

Enforcement Team
Advocates for young people and their families who
may be criminally involved.
Re-Entry Team
Assists individuals as they are released from incarceration and
ensures that they will have support...
See All Our Teams

2020 Bostonian Of The Year
(Boston Globe/Magazine)
2020 Best Social Justice Advocate
(Boston Magazine)
2020 Hero's Among Us
(Boston Celtics)
Outstanding Young Leaders
(Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce/ City Awake)
COVID Relief Effort Activist
(BET Commercial Feature)
Front Page Black Activist
(Boston Globe)
In The News
May 17, 2020
AS THE DEATH TOLL mounts daily from COVID-19, so do the headlines and data documenting its disparate impact on communities of color, especially black people, immigrants, native people, poor people, and those living at the intersections of these identities.
CommonWealth Magazine - Structural racism is the real pandemic